Monday, October 14, 2013

Recent Posts Ian Pooley - Organic Organic Church - Organic Church Podcast physical properties The N

Organic farmers Take On Monsanto
A lawsuit has been filed in what leads up to a battle of epic proportions between the organic seed growers and Trade Association vs. Monsanto. On 10 July dozens of family farmers meet in Washington DC to take Monsanto head on in court. Tonight I will be heading into the belly of the beast to cover the event and also to explore the many occult buildings and sites in Washington DC. You can support Press For Truth by making a donation at this link: Family Farmers to travel to Washington, DC to take on Monsanto: Get updates like this everyday and support independent media by joining Press For Truth TV: We rely on you the viewer to help us continue to make this work. With your help I can continue to make videos and documentaries to youtube in an attempt to raise awareness throughout the world. Please support independent media by joining Press For Truth TV! As a Press For Truth TV subscriber you get full access to the site's features and content including Daily Video Blogs on current news from the PFT perspective and High Quality Downloads of all Press For Truth Movies, Music and Special Reports! Subscribe physical properties to Press For Truth TV: For more information visit: You can also support Press For Truth and help us continue to do this work by donating or become a sponsor physical properties of www . Video Rating: physical properties 5/5
skullman322 says:
The law is in the pockets of those who own Monsanto.Det's like having a trial on the legality of breathing air. This is bullshit we even have to go to trial ... The trial is a farce.
Monsanto has won many of the cases in which their products are contaminated neighbors crops is a travesty of justice. Imagine if your up hill neighbor rolled physical properties stones at your home, destroying it and later find courts defending the neighbors claim that it could send you a bill for the rocks. Monsanto has lubricated every pocket of the U.S. industrial complex, and it is the judiciary. U.S. justice is defined by those who give the biggest bribe. Thank you for your efforts Weaving Spider.
comeonmakemyday says:
TokenTombstone says:
Thanx for coming down to cover this, Dan. Idk if I have commented before, but am really impressed physical properties w / your work and dedication. Enjoyed watching you do the music for the film, loved the coverage of various events, etc. Thank you, need more like you, brother.,
TrueInLight says:
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Recent Posts Ian Pooley - Organic Organic Church - Organic Church Podcast physical properties The Natural Pesticides Guide To Organic Gardening NWT EILEEN FISHER Moon Organic Cotton Mini Stripe Cami XL Long Organic Farmers Take On Monsanto presents new Manual Chain Hoist Products in January 2013 To: Organic Ponytail Nice removers photos
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