Saturday, January 25, 2014

1 kl la climates vegetables Tomato eugenol temperatures eugenol is 1.2. average temperatures of 18C

Information: Eblt our hands liaison to the address of the ones I can report AGRICULTURE DRT connection TASACO FP DOKTOLAB SQM wound Klasmann DEILMANN T-System Dosatron INT CDN Weathermatic Acadian Sea Plants Ariva Phosyn
SEPT 2005 October 2005 Kasmir 2005 Range 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 Mays 2006 SEPT 2006 October 2006 January 2006 Kasmir 2006 Range Mays 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August eugenol 2007 2007 October 2007 2007 SEPT 2007 Range Kasmir 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 June 2008 July 2008 Mays SEPT 2008 August 2008 2008 October 2008 Kasmir 2008
1 kl la climates vegetables Tomato eugenol temperatures eugenol is 1.2. average temperatures of 18C and 27C arasndad deal. Therefore, the 30 northern and South yarmkr and 40 the parallels between the other conditions in the remaining regions in lman it's easy to yetitiricili can be made. Zera temperatures below 10C and a negative effect on hES to scrape off my panties and nights of serious damage are explained in the RNA (Figure 1). Photo 1 Zera min in 35C temperatures and frost damage due to moisture koullarn pollen canll severe dryness in a manner that hES min azalrk eugenol Is there occur. In the bottom of a balanced diet koullarn these high temperatures less than malnutrition of hES dkmr AS IS detected. Ike leaves for photosynthesis to 1.2 sec in Global retile additional amount is determined. High count rate in excess of the sugar Retie ByLear de tomato fruit support and allows to obtain high yields of salayacakt. weekday for at least 6 hours of ieklen i heard Odds tomatoes at a profit to the clan is duyarld. RETI a determining factor in the length Gn yet from tomatoes, greenhouse yetitiricili i also can be made to the faculty in the field of gene regions. Solar snmnyksek AS IS yarlmalarn conditions of fruits, gna slotted and maturity dnem oluumlarn cause uneven color. Adequate protection of foliation in the snow should help gna yanklarn. Hcr potassium and calcium levels and strength of the checks and ByLear the plant turgor of cells and that loss of water as honey, resistant to yanklarn gna becomes eugenol (Figure 2). Picture 2 Gn 2 slotted 2.1 Water and Soil Water Proper watering method (Figure 3) to obtain the basic characteristics eugenol of high efficiency and quality tractor. Tomato aka land of 10,000 m3/hr to 6000 m3/hr and greenhouse koullarn Odds hear the water. IERR min nutrients in amounts of salt stress on the LOG kkblge HDD as sulamalarn olumasn and may occur early in my Dnei nutrient deficiencies especially weeks kgbrel it away in case the uninstallation eugenol of programs already applied. Drought (Fig. 4) led to a decline in general and especially for my bride to ur calcium associated with reducing blood calcium deficient hES rkle End n (Br) brings fruit and directly damage (Figure eugenol 5). yn adversely affected and the clients salkmdkm ieklen occurs. On the other hand ar kk rklk koullarn to anaerobic soil irrigation, delays in ieklen and causes disorder in fruit (Figure 6). Picture 3 Figure 4 Irrigation System Image 5 of drought stress Figure 6 hES End rkle Adjusting eugenol work with the Wired high pH or high doses of irrigation water contains calcium and magnesium carbonates and bicarbonates. This type of irrigation water at pH 5-6 koullarn level by planting the plant to release eugenol water to ur amacyl acidification is neryl Making your applications. This application P, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn and B of the efficacy of nutrients such as drip irrigation systems arttrarak possible zn prevents the accumulation eugenol of non-salted. Asitdifikasyo (H +) carbonate (CO32-) and bikarbonatlarn (HCO3-) which is prepared by reacting carbonic acid and a Kárász Kárász even in this form causes the water and carbon dioxide dn. H2CO3 HCO3-+ 1 H + 1 _ 1 _ 1 1 CO32-+ 2 H2O + 1 CO2 H2CO3 H + _ 1 _ 1 H2O + 1 CO2 (BI) Carbonate + acid -> carbonic eugenol acid -> water + carbon dioxide Water i bikarbonatlarn in value in the vicinity of 90-95% is recommended to ntrletiril by acidification. Bylelikl capacity water min while maintaining the pH is prevented from pH becomes possible. The high pH in the irrigation water in the soil acidity in existing high toxicity of aluminum eugenol (Al 3 +) as a cause of such elements zn unintended consequences can profit. 2.2 Soil Drainage capacity and physiological Do it the ideal earth is earth which is good. Kk 60 cm up to 20 cm deep in the first instance, although I Showrooms kk is olduugrl 70% of the volume. Ideal soil pH must be between 6.0 to 6.5 (Figure 14). pH> 6.5 AS IS metallic cases micro-nutrients (Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu), boron (B) and phosphorous eugenol (P); pH <5.5 AS IS in conditions of phosphorus (P) and Alm molybdenum plant efficiency is reduced. Figure 1 Soil pH effect on the activity of nutrients in greenhouse nn yetitir of alternative media: rock wool (Figure 7), perlite (Figure 8) and

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