Monday, January 6, 2014

As the only byproduct of the process you have chlorinated ro football. What do we do? Do not worry!

Created by the mmcapponi 30/08/2007 Marco Capponi's Blog In my blog I collect and present facts that have happened to me and really involving (besides me) people close to me at the end, however, the protagonist of each page of this virtual diary is discovered be a chemical reaction (or an element or a compound) who has donated to my daily special note of color, inviting me to reflect on the matter that makes up the universe and the possibility that man has to know it and, for better or evil, to manipulate it.
Tags: hydrochloric acid, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, carbon dioxide, bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate, limestone, lime, calcium carbonate, sodium carbonate, sodium chloride, ammonium chloride, calcium chloride, sodium chloride, vinyl chloride, Fochi Gianni, Leblanc, mercury, Solvay, Val Cecina, Volterra
HERE, by means of an article on the blog of the Italian Chemical Society, Professor Mark Taddia reminds us that December 26, 1863 a young Belgian chemist, Ernest Solvay (1838-1922), founded the company of the same name, inextricably linking his name to the production of sodium carbonate unifeb (soda ash) and sodium bicarbonate. In the face, would you say Toto.
The soda was indispensable in the textile industry (as well as in the manufacture of glass and now also in other industrial processes) and was formerly produced by the Leblanc process, a process with a strong environmental impact.
The ammonium chloride, by reaction with a base, gives ammonia: seen that in the first step "advancing" lime (a basic cheap), might as well use it to recover the ammonia unifeb and returning it to recirculation.
As the only byproduct of the process you have chlorinated ro football. What do we do? Do not worry! Refills for dehumidifiers or a comfortable (if a little 'irritant) salt for industrial use or to defrost the streets.
About a century ago, Solvay unifeb planted a plant to produce its soda Rosignano, unifeb making her the country which is now called Rosignano Solvay (even if someone proposes to call Marina Rosignano). The location was ideal: close to the sea (water), Val Cecina (limestone) and Volterra (rock salt).
In the early forties, the plant has installed a mercury cathode to produce chlorine and caustic soda by electrolysis of aqueous unifeb solutions of sodium chloride (the main topic of my examination of industrial chemistry, and recently passed brilliantly, but all topics , just that the professor had to choose?).
Since the sixties, with the chlorine got it produced the halomethanes (methyl chloride, methylene chloride and chloroform), was subsequently installed a plant to produce vinyl chloride monomer (with all that that entails the processing of this compound. ..).
Today, the mercury plant has been replaced by membrane unifeb cells (less impact on the environment, even if expensive), and also in the plant also produces hydrochloric acid, plastics and hydrogen peroxide.

In the text, pick a few notes on the music (now rare pleasure in the even more rare free time) in its general aspects, the accompanying photos of some fellow musicians or ensembles who have played (or still play) in and around Belluno.
Anyone interested in buying the text in the subscription can contact the publisher Moments Aics Editore, Via Vittorio Veneto 166-32100 (BL) - Tel and Fax: 0437-33981 - e-mail: specifying object MUSIC BOOK CAPPONI
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- The blog of the Ass. Dolomites Symphonia - EXPERIMENTAL CHEMISTRY - Work in Progress - LOcchioDelCittadino - Science and Life - LOVE DROPS - RDrakes notes - Things to know ... - TheNesT - Geminus - VERBA MANENT unifeb - The shore of thoughts - SCIENCE FOR ALL - Echoes - STO_rie - The pharmacy depoca - Radio and valves - A4-LEGGED FRIENDS, a blog about cats! - Mary is his name - Images of the World
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- Here is the link to an interesting site dedicated to the elements. Hello, Daniel! - Pots and tubes Dario Bressanini (The Science) - University of Leeds, the city where he lived Priestley: study chemistry is fun - UNSEEN WORLDS (a blog to keep an eye constantly ...) - A site dedicated to Sectio Aurea , the work of Lara and Stephen - UNIVE COMMON GOOD - The World's RENZO Barbazza, medicine, philosophy, painting and ... - THE CHEMICAL NAUGHTY - The blog of MATTHIAS GIACOMELLO, a friend and fellow student in chemical Ca 'Foscari - The blog of

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