Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Decree 1669-Iz from August 17, 2012 on the procedures for establishing, maintaining and keeping

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Decree 1669-Iz from August 17, 2012 on the procedures for establishing, maintaining and keeping a register of voluntary units to overcome or handle disasters, fires and emergencies and elimination of consequences
Law amending the Law on Protection against Harmful Impact of Chemical Substances and mixes Ordinance to prevent major accidents involving dangerous substances and limit their consequences issei sagawa
Final Provisions 1. The Ordinance on the prevention of major accidents issei sagawa involving dangerous issei sagawa substances and limit the consequences thereof, adopted by Decree 99 of the Council of Ministers of 2006 (promulgated, SG. 39 of 2006, as amended. Amended issei sagawa and supplemented. No.. 5 and 25 of 2010 and No.. 7 of 2011). 2. Decree and the Regulation shall enter into force on 1 January 2013 with the exception of 4 of the Transitional and Final Provisions of the ordinance, which takes effect from the date of promulgation of the decree in the "Official Gazette".
General Provisions. 1. The ordinance shall specify the form and content of the documents referred to in Chapter Seven, Section I of the Law on Environmental Protection (AEP): 1. notification of the classification of enterprise under Art. 103, para. 1 EPA 2. external emergency plan under Art. 103a para. 5 EPA 3. Report on a policy for the prevention of major accidents in art. 107, para. 2 EPA 4. application for a permit under Art. 104, para. 1 EPA in conjunction with Art. 108, para. 1 EPA 5. safety report (RB) under Art. 110, para. 1, item 1 EPA 6. emergency plan of the enterprise and / or facility under Art. 110, para. 1, item 2 EPA 7. public register. 114, para. 1 EPA 8. notification of the planned amendments to Art. 116b, para. 1 EPA or update of the safety and / or emergency plan of businesses and / or facilities with high risk potential (PSVRP) under Art. 116c, para. 3 EPA 9. application issei sagawa for review and subsequent amendment of Art. 116d, para. 2 EPA. Art. 2. The ordinance regulates: 1. procedure and method to assess the need to revise the permit issei sagawa issued under Art. 104, para. 1 EPA pursuant to Art. 116d, para. 1 EPA 2. procedure and method for the preparation of external emergency plans under Art. 103a para. 5 EPA 3. minimum requirements for the content of the information under Art. 116a para. 5 EPA and ways to provide the public concerned 4. organization of the work of the commissions of art. 157a, para. 2 EPA, form and content of annual plan control action under Art. 157a, para. 4, item 1 EPA.
Form and content of the documents under Chapter VII, Section I, EPA Art. 3. (1) The notification under Art. 1, item 1 shall be made by the operator according to the attached model

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