Wednesday, January 8, 2014

for those that

for those that "the working class does not exist", and who have a vision localist ... these people forget the fact that the working class has no country but is internationalist (from proletarian communists)
The ODG SEL (Left Ecology octave Freedom) on Polo chemical octave Spinetta Marengo octave is not convincing in its conclusions and judgments confirms shareable and interesting data. For example, the assessment of the political class of Alexandria: "On the part of government laziness, unwillingness to engage in environmental octave issues only to the looming threat of unemployment has always been challenged octave in the work-conflict environment. With the body responsible for environmental controls octave apparently only able to disseminate reassuring messages, rather than scientific data. For example, the revelation of the Province of complaints not made public: "The emissions from the chimneys of Solvay fluorinated components such as C2F4, highly carcinogenic, reaching 10 mcg/m3, octave more than ten times higher than the threshold of danger. For example, some epidemiological data: "Impressive results that quantify what residents perceived quality and denounced for years. Excess risk of disease to the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, excess risk of several types of malignant tumors, octave up to 120% for malignant tumors in the digestive tract and peritoneum. For example, the risk of industrial catastrophe: "The productions and active components used (such as HF, HCl, F2, C2F4, C4F8, Propylene, Isobutylene, Benzene) classified as" Toxic perceptible "," Toxic not perceptible "and" Flammable " do classify as "Site at Risk of a major accident." For example, the resulting question mark on the survival of the plant Solvay: "It 's still feasible for purposes of continuity of work in an environment made whole?" SEL conclusive answer to this question with an NI and proposes as risk reduction, a national law give more powers to the Regional Technical Committee based on an annual assessment of health damage (VDS) were prepared by ARPA and ASL. We object: National Law? Campa horse ... It would not be feasible now, immediately, SEL and its environment commissioner Claudio Lombardi octave bothered to realize, after twenty years from the proposal, the Centre's environmental Fraschetta? Besides this national octave law is still the revival of the delegation, delegates to the Authorities, octave delegation high, always bankruptcy, while Observatory is not delegated, it is participation and democracy from below. Medicine is always available to a democratic public debate, to be organized with the Movimento5Stelle that the theme Monitoring and Emergency Plan filed a Motion city.
for those that "the working class does not exist", and who have a vision localist ... these people forget the fact that the working class has no country but is internationalist (from proletarian communists) octave
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