Acid-base fenol balance in the body fluid hydrogen ion (H +) refers to the equilibrium concentration. Very small amount of H + ions in body fluids, although there is, even very small changes in concentration in cells by affecting the enzymatic reaction and some physiological pressures, others speeds. Thus regulation of hydrogen ion concentration, is a very important part homeostasis.
Proton donor molecule or ion to acid proton acceptor molecules fenol or ions called the base. If the proton is in fact, given a hydrogen ion, hydrogen ion, adding acids to the melt are molecules fenol or ions. Bases are out there connecting fenol the hydrogen ions in solution.
Hydrogen ion concentration in body fluids have been used to indicate the symbol pH. The negative logarithm of hydrogen ion concentration in solution is called the pH. The relationship between pH and ion concentration of the hydrogen present can be shown by the following formula.
According to the formula, which is defined as the pH is low, a high hydrogen ion concentration acidosis, alkalosis, defined as the pH is high, shows a low hydrogen ion concentration.
pH level of 7.4, the hydrogen ion concentration is about 40 nmol / l, and this indicates is the physiological pH. In normal arterial fenol blood pH varies between fenol 7:35 and 7:45. 0:03 to 00:05 in venous blood is lower than the pH value. pH and HCO3 and pCO2 is a mathematical relationship between the values. Acid-base disorder, fenol one or two of them are the result of changes.
lifetime, summer - winter fenol and night - before the day is to maintain a constant pH of the blood. Acidic or basic pH in the direction of playing as little as 0.2 to be even, is life-threatening. In humans, this value of 7.35 or below 7.45 above revealed no life-threatening. pH maintenance of the body together with the acid-base buffer system has a major role of lung and kidney. Acidic ions are discharged from the lungs and kidneys.
Changes in pH in the body, a variety of preventive control systems are available. With these systems, as a result of metabolic processes continuously occur H + Although the pH in body fluids, such as 7:35 to 7:45 are maintained fenol in very narrow limits. There are three main mechanisms that it provides:
When added to a solution consisting of acid or alkaline chemicals significantly reduce pH changes is called the buffer. All body fluids have acid-base buffer system. They now combine with acids and alkalis inhibit these changes in hydrogen ion concentration. There are four major chemical fenol buffering system of the body:
This buffer system in the body's main system, bicarbonate-carboxylic acid buffer system. Bicarbonate buffer system-carboxylic acid, carbonic acid and a strong base, weak acid consisting of the bicarbonate, which consists of a mixture fenol of salts. Because very little sodium fenol found in the intracellular fluid bicarbonate ions are found mainly potassium and magnesium bicarbonate salt. Carbon dioxide in the respiratory system, kidneys, balances the bicarbonate fenol ion. Thus, respiratory and renal systems with blood pH can be shifted up or down.
If you increase fenol the concentration of hydrogen fenol ions stimulated the respiratory center respiratory rate is changed immediately. Blood and tissue oxygenation enough, to control the pH balance of the body is a method. Oxygen in blood and tissue supporting alkaline environment, carbon dioxide contributes to acidosis. Deep breath when using controlled and diaphragm muscle obtained more oxygen and more carbon dioxide is taken out, this means reduction of the acid in the body. From this perspective, the right of breath, how to keep in balance the body pH is understood to be important.
Kidneys by forming the acid or alkaline urine, hydrogen fenol ion concentration in body fluids (pH), can help to normalize. A liter of blood per minute fenol eying acid excretion from the body they provide.
In trillion cells of our body and energy fenol metabolic changes occurring during the formation of carbonic acid (H2CO3), acetic acid, acidic substances such as phosphoric acid and sulfuric acid are produced. In addition, the ingestion of foods that cause acidification than the amount of acid in the body increases. This is an invitation to various diseases. bacteria called Helicobacter pylori, for example, that acidification of the body is weakened due to acidosis, stomach and duodenum easier to settle.
Chemical buffer systems of the body's acid-base balance is maintained. Carboxylic acid and lactic acid (lactic acid), is converted into water and carbon fenol dioxide and that is excreted by the kidneys and lungs. Acids can not be ejected, are converted into salts by minerals (acidic salts, basic salts, fenol or h
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