Atoms that do not occur naturally in nature have enough protons and neutrons to accumulate gravity A wave to stretch beyond the perimeter of the atom. Even now, however, the distance at which gravity A wave extends beyond the perimeter of the atom is infinitesimal, this wave is accessible and it has its own amplitude, length, and frequency, just like any other wave in the electromagnetic spectrum. malic acid Once granted access to the gravity A wave, you can turn it up as well as amplify other electromagnetic waves. And the same way, and the wave is amplified and then focused on the desired goal to cause space / time distortion it needs practical space travel. We amplify wave that barely exceed the perimeter of the atom until so big that it can distort the broad areas of prosranstvo time.
We synthesize heavier, unstable elements by using more stable elements malic acid than the objects in the accelerator. Then bombard the element object with different malic acid atomic and sub-atomic particles. When we do this we are actually forcing neutrons in the nucleus of the atom and in some cases merge two different particles together. This point is performed transmutation.
As one example, in the early 80s, laboratfriyata for Heavy Ion Research Darmshtot, Germany synthesized less than element malic acid 109 by bombarding Bismuth 203 with Iron 59. And to show how difficult it is to do what they had to bombard the target element for a week to synthesize 1 atom of element 109. Same laboratory planned that in the future they will be able to bombard Curium malic acid 248 with Calcium 48 to gain element malic acid 116, which will then collapse through a series of nuclides, malic acid which are unknown to them, but well known to scientists S4 located in the complex Groom Lake.
The duration malic acid of time that an element exists before collapse depends on its stability. Atoms of some components degrade faster than the atoms of the other, so as a more volatile component, the faster it decomposes. When an atom decays, it emits or radiates sub-atomic particles and energy that radiation is registered by a Geiger counter.
The reactor was found on an alien ship in S4, as it was mentioned by physicist Robert Lazar. The reactor is mainly based on the superheavy element with an atomic number of 115. Element 115 will be labeled "Ununpentium" according to IUPAC guidelines.
Melting point: 1740 C
Usage: Reactor Fuel
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