Meat Cheese Sugar | MAG Tonic
1 MAG Elixir is absolutely necessary, because rubber the slag vücutt cleanses and strengthens the immune system and destroys viruses. MAG Tonic regulates the intestinal flora, destroys harmful bacteria and fungi. rubber 2. Must be fed correctly, cheese should not be eaten, should not drink black tea should be consumed less meat and Mamuka and should be chewed each mouthful rubber 30 to 40 times.
Cheese: Halkara cheese is said to be very, very important for calcium and bone resorption even against doctors rubber recommends rubber plenty rubber of cheese eaten. Having defeated cheese and plenty of calcium in the bones is Iddd rate will increase.
Meat and cheese served some excess acid is formed during metabolic changes in the cells, this acid is needed rubber to dispose of the excess calcium. And so with excessive acid in calcium is excreted. So when I eat cheese a lot more than the intake of calcium is taken, but the cheese is thrown out due to acidification caused. Of acid-base balance in our body constantly need to be in balance means excessive increase of the acid is in a coma, and death is the end, so it slows down a little brain oxygen uptake.
Fatigue reduction of oxygen, injustice, weakness, weakness is the emergence of such problems. Acid-base balance in our body is constantly kept in balance. In a survey conducted in adb animal foods high in acid and calcium in the urine of the field has been found. Osteoporosis (bone resorption) cause loss of calcium has been found that calcium is not sufficient enough. This reason a high proportion of animal food acid and calcium in the urine of areas have been identified and those who eat fruits and vegetables rubber and less calcium was found to be missing. So if you eat cheese consolidation of bone tale has ended. (Wolfgang rubber Spiller, EHK. 10.2002.713) Acid neutralization to excess oxygen is spent, so the body's other organs of oxygen is reduced, organs foksiyonlar reduce and people with fatigue, malaise, weakness, lethargy and sleepiness are emerging.
from the United States McDougall Program for Women (McDougall Program for Women) director Dr. John McDougall animal protein is the cause of the bone loss has proven with his research. Mamuka the U.S. the world's most milk and dairy consuming countries with the highest and also has documented that bone resorption. For example it is 100 g. cabbage 2 times more calcium than milk contains. Milling and protocols, the milk contains as much calcium. 50-100% rubber of the calcium in cabbage when assessing. 40-64% of the calcium in milk 'is evaluated. Milk, cheese, meat and meat by Mamuka taken two times more calcium than calcium is excreted in the urine, primarily because for neutralizing acid, calcium, rubber magnesium, potassium, sodium and pksij connected and the acid is thrown out. Mamuka consume very little milk and milk while in China ostoporz (bone resorption) is rarely seen. MAG have developed bone against bone resorption tea. Of course you need to stay away from animal proteinlar. (NHP 10.2006.1416)
Meat, Cheese and grooms must dangers caused the second front is that the body cause inflammation of the Standards. Meat and Cheese in blood and tissues and causes rubber acidification In acidic medium while reducing the activity rubber of the immune rubber system, because they can not get enough oxygen and bacteria, viruses and fungi begin to multiply more hızkl. 7.4 pH-value of the blood, and in which it constantly needs to be protected. Meat, Cheese and etmamü in our body H + (hydrogen) and C + (carbon) ions, causing a rise. To this nötüleştir O2 (oxygen) ions and O2-ions together with the need H2CO3 (carboxylic acid) occurs. Buddha H2O (water) rubber with idraryo CO2 (carbon dioxide) is excreted through the respiratory. Meat Cheese and etmamül cause excessive rubber rise of the h2co3'n, prune demekd acidification of the blood and this is a great danger. To stop the acidification of small lung O2-intake to slow the brain is ordered, O2-uptake rubber due to the slowdown of the cells that were fed with the right person is tired, and is weaker than dermansızlaş ..
Fatigue but does not sleep, you go back to sleep 10 hours a day you can still feel tired yourself, because the meat and cheese excessive acid in the body increases and this acid nötürleştirilerek return to the normal acid-base balance is very time consuming. And oxygen to neutralizing acid is spent fatigue, weakness and fatigue lasts longer. Especially meat and cheese in the evening after a day if a new fatigue takes a lot of time to yourself to come. Therefore, a maximum of two days per week and Mamuka of meat should be eaten. But never yenmemelidir.peyn cheese should not beat prime, because inflammation causes.
Tyra's the third major hazards associated with cheese contains a substance called monoamine oxidase normally is destroyed by these substances. Depression drugs and contains tranylcypromine of monoamine oxidase in this article in the frenler.böyle Cheese by Tyra's body, which causes high blood pressure intensified rubber and pruning. Depression drugs field h
1 MAG Elixir is absolutely necessary, because rubber the slag vücutt cleanses and strengthens the immune system and destroys viruses. MAG Tonic regulates the intestinal flora, destroys harmful bacteria and fungi. rubber 2. Must be fed correctly, cheese should not be eaten, should not drink black tea should be consumed less meat and Mamuka and should be chewed each mouthful rubber 30 to 40 times.
Cheese: Halkara cheese is said to be very, very important for calcium and bone resorption even against doctors rubber recommends rubber plenty rubber of cheese eaten. Having defeated cheese and plenty of calcium in the bones is Iddd rate will increase.
Meat and cheese served some excess acid is formed during metabolic changes in the cells, this acid is needed rubber to dispose of the excess calcium. And so with excessive acid in calcium is excreted. So when I eat cheese a lot more than the intake of calcium is taken, but the cheese is thrown out due to acidification caused. Of acid-base balance in our body constantly need to be in balance means excessive increase of the acid is in a coma, and death is the end, so it slows down a little brain oxygen uptake.
Fatigue reduction of oxygen, injustice, weakness, weakness is the emergence of such problems. Acid-base balance in our body is constantly kept in balance. In a survey conducted in adb animal foods high in acid and calcium in the urine of the field has been found. Osteoporosis (bone resorption) cause loss of calcium has been found that calcium is not sufficient enough. This reason a high proportion of animal food acid and calcium in the urine of areas have been identified and those who eat fruits and vegetables rubber and less calcium was found to be missing. So if you eat cheese consolidation of bone tale has ended. (Wolfgang rubber Spiller, EHK. 10.2002.713) Acid neutralization to excess oxygen is spent, so the body's other organs of oxygen is reduced, organs foksiyonlar reduce and people with fatigue, malaise, weakness, lethargy and sleepiness are emerging.
from the United States McDougall Program for Women (McDougall Program for Women) director Dr. John McDougall animal protein is the cause of the bone loss has proven with his research. Mamuka the U.S. the world's most milk and dairy consuming countries with the highest and also has documented that bone resorption. For example it is 100 g. cabbage 2 times more calcium than milk contains. Milling and protocols, the milk contains as much calcium. 50-100% rubber of the calcium in cabbage when assessing. 40-64% of the calcium in milk 'is evaluated. Milk, cheese, meat and meat by Mamuka taken two times more calcium than calcium is excreted in the urine, primarily because for neutralizing acid, calcium, rubber magnesium, potassium, sodium and pksij connected and the acid is thrown out. Mamuka consume very little milk and milk while in China ostoporz (bone resorption) is rarely seen. MAG have developed bone against bone resorption tea. Of course you need to stay away from animal proteinlar. (NHP 10.2006.1416)
Meat, Cheese and grooms must dangers caused the second front is that the body cause inflammation of the Standards. Meat and Cheese in blood and tissues and causes rubber acidification In acidic medium while reducing the activity rubber of the immune rubber system, because they can not get enough oxygen and bacteria, viruses and fungi begin to multiply more hızkl. 7.4 pH-value of the blood, and in which it constantly needs to be protected. Meat, Cheese and etmamü in our body H + (hydrogen) and C + (carbon) ions, causing a rise. To this nötüleştir O2 (oxygen) ions and O2-ions together with the need H2CO3 (carboxylic acid) occurs. Buddha H2O (water) rubber with idraryo CO2 (carbon dioxide) is excreted through the respiratory. Meat Cheese and etmamül cause excessive rubber rise of the h2co3'n, prune demekd acidification of the blood and this is a great danger. To stop the acidification of small lung O2-intake to slow the brain is ordered, O2-uptake rubber due to the slowdown of the cells that were fed with the right person is tired, and is weaker than dermansızlaş ..
Fatigue but does not sleep, you go back to sleep 10 hours a day you can still feel tired yourself, because the meat and cheese excessive acid in the body increases and this acid nötürleştirilerek return to the normal acid-base balance is very time consuming. And oxygen to neutralizing acid is spent fatigue, weakness and fatigue lasts longer. Especially meat and cheese in the evening after a day if a new fatigue takes a lot of time to yourself to come. Therefore, a maximum of two days per week and Mamuka of meat should be eaten. But never yenmemelidir.peyn cheese should not beat prime, because inflammation causes.
Tyra's the third major hazards associated with cheese contains a substance called monoamine oxidase normally is destroyed by these substances. Depression drugs and contains tranylcypromine of monoamine oxidase in this article in the frenler.böyle Cheese by Tyra's body, which causes high blood pressure intensified rubber and pruning. Depression drugs field h
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