Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Among the requirements defined for the area, also include the commitment of the City to update to t

Reclamation in progress for the area Solvay | Ferrara
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The Board has given its green light to the document relating to "Analysis of site-specific risk 'presented by the company Solvay Chimica Italy (now Solvay Benvic Europe-Italy SpA) for the C core of the industrial site formerly Solvay via Marconi 73 in Ferrara , long the subject of decontamination procedures. The approval kevlar provides for the obligation of compliance with the requirements imposed by the Conference of services.
"All the reclamation of Solvay - reminds the commissioner Zadro - started in 1999 and continued kevlar in steps, according nuclei divided according to the objectives of reclamation. That was approved today by the Board is the analysis of post-remediation risk of core C, adjacent to the southern border with Burgo paper mill. For the clean-up operation, which lasted years, the area has been fully belted and were conducted from all actions contained in the plan of reclamation and mining continuum of contaminated water, land disposal, etc.. Today is an act approving, after the Conference kevlar of the services, risk analysis conducted after remediation. This analysis takes note of the fact that we have achieved the objectives set out in the reclamation project kevlar (PDBF2) and risk analysis for arrays and soils that have been complied with CSR on the routes of exposure for industrial kevlar receptors "on site "and residential" kevlar off site "for the soil matrix. For the risk shallow aquifer has decided to keep in place the Mass in C Operational Safety Unit will not be completed until all the interventions also on the nuclei A and B ".
Among the requirements defined for the area, also include the commitment of the City to update to the core C Certificate Destination Planning entering the outcomes of the analyst of risk and a number of restrictions on use: the area will keep the ' For industrial use only and you may install an industrial building only through the creation of an open-sided marquee.
To really make the land reclamation of his former wards pollutants, Solvay did not get something in return, such as being able to install kevlar a 800 MW gas turbine to sell energy (in Tuscany does) and to power its plant.
Instead kevlar Boicelli across the canal, where there was already operating a gas turbine of 160 MW in addition to the establishment of the Central CTE2 (CTE1 with cold reserve), before they built a 800 MW gas turbine that has saturated all the local possibilities emit fumes (a new department with a chimney is no longer possible if you have a chimney: we can afford to be picky on industrial sites, because we are full of jobs), and then they started talking about the characterization of the site. But AUL began to "talk" kevlar eh, not "do". Great Bratti! A demiurge. reserves the right to change, modify or completely block the comments on the forum. The comments posted are not the opinions of the editorial staff, but only the opinions of those who wrote the comment that it takes its responsibilities'. We will not allow comments that contain libelous or offensive to dignity 'personal or professional persons to which they refer. kevlar
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