Tuesday, January 14, 2014

In addition, the establishment of Livorno will try to get closer to production costs in Turkey whic

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Solvay confirms the restructuring of the system of Rosignano for the recovery of competitiveness. The market for soda Solvay is a business that needs to recover competitiveness: in Asia and the U.S. market is very strong, but in Europe there are a million tons of overcapacity and that could rise to three in 2017. For this reason, the plant manager of Solvay Rosignano, David Poppy, has confirmed the headquarters of Confindustria in Livorno on the restructuring plan that will bring the production of soda plant Livorno adme by its capacity to approximately 900 thousand to 650 thousand tons per year. By 2017, according to estimates by also expanding the market for the production of natural soda Turkish, will increase the gap between supply and demand.
"On adme the basis of this analysis, the fundamental aim by 2015 to Rosignano adme is the recovery of industrial competitiveness - said Poppy - this is only one of the five goals that we must achieve to ensure a future site Rosignano. Then there is the confirmation of existing authorizations supply adme of the salt, the guarantee of the water, the renewal of environmental permits under which the agreement is part of the program adme and what worries us more or predisposition to availability adme of steam and electricity at low cost, since it expires in 2017 the regime of CIP 6 ".
The company's commitment to the policy of cost savings, 20 million in two years, compared with 5.5 million of additional investments, which as a result will lead to the planned remodeling of the staff of 70 employees, but without recourse to layoffs.
In addition, the establishment of Livorno will try to get closer to production costs in Turkey which extracts natural soda EUR 100 per tonne, "Here Rosignano we hope to get to 105-110 Euros per tonne against the current 135," said Poppy.
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