Friday, January 3, 2014

What causes global warming? In the vast majority of solar radiation which reaches the Earth, is ref

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Global warming will change the economy and our whole life. Soon ... 12 Jan 2007
What causes global warming? In the vast majority of solar radiation which reaches the Earth, is reflected / emitted back into space in the form of infrared rays. A small part of these rays are reflected back from the atmospheric layer of the Earth and so "stuck" keep us warm. Global warming is caused by the fact that there is a higher concentration of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere increase the thickness of the atmospheric layer, and it retains more infrared rays. Much more than necessary. Simply put: more CO2 means higher temperature of the planet. What are the main sources of CO2? The usual suspects are we humans. The two largest sources of CO2 in the atmosphere are the use of fossil fuels like oil and coal and forest fires (30% of global emissions). Indiscriminate felling of the world's forests because of increasing consumption of wood adds to the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Which countries are the biggest polluters? The largest share of CO2 pollution is U.S. who are one of only two developed countries macromolecules that have not signed the Kyoto Protocol (the other being Australia). The U.S. accounts for 30.3% of global macromolecules emissions. Europe is in second place, trailing the leader by less than 3%. Thirdly, China is mostly because of the huge number of coal power plants. Russia takes third place even more emissions per capita due to backward technology and lack of environmental standards. What is the Kyoto Protocol? The Kyoto Protocol is an agreement ratified by 169 countries (as of December 2006), the emission of so-called greenhouse gases by 5.2% compared to 1990 State ratifying the Protocol should do so as a single entity. Individual countries are allowed to sell their emission allowances macromolecules etc. and buying emission allowances from foreign. The cumulative macromolecules effect, however, should be a decrease macromolecules of about 20% from current levels. Besides CO2 should be limited and the emission of nitrous oxide, methane, and gases containing chlorine and fluorine. The concept of trading of free (unused) emissions is already used by the world in solving the problem of ozone holes. What are the consequences of global macromolecules warming? We are all taught in school that the North African Lake Chad is huge (even was used as a landmark for landing space flight). We are also taught that an ocean current called the Gulf Stream, warm Europe. Without it, it may occur that a new ice age in Western countries, report scientists from several macromolecules U.S. universities in the journal Nature in late 2006. Well, Lake Chad almost gone. Polar cap has shrunk by 40% in recent years. These new quantities of fresh unsalted water can alter the circulation of ocean currents, including the Gulf Stream. New ice age in Europe is accompanied by abnormal drought in Central and South America. Melting glaciers and threatens to flood vast areas of the Netherlands, Florida, near Shanghai ... The rise in the average temperature of the oceans causes hurricanes and typhoons, which are becoming more powerful. A typical example is the hurricane "Katrina" completely destroyed New Orleans in 2005, the same year the world saw the first in the history of mankind "forbidden science" hurricane in the South Atlantic, hit the coast of Brazil. Japan also suffered a record number of typhoons. Bulgaria macromolecules recognized the effects of global warming, which causes more torrential rains, floods in the same 2005 the warmest macromolecules year at 650 000 years. macromolecules How does global warming on species? Climate change and higher temperatures favor the development and spread of the virus and thus contribute to the emergence of epidemics. High-profile example is bird flu. Rising temperatures strongly influenced and plant and animal species and can lead to the disappearance of many of them, ie to disturbance of the ecological balance of the planet. Died coniferous forest of Vitosha is also due to global warming macromolecules - the winters are warm and kill the ants. Such a case is also seen in the United States. During the first week of this year German researchers report in the most prestigious American scientific journal Science, the rise in summer water temperatures in the North and Baltic Sea leads to migration and

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