Friday, January 31, 2014

Radioactive elements are part of nature

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World-renowned scientists: Marie Curie (1867.11.7-1934.7.4)
December 26, 1898 Marie Curie announced in a report submitted to the French Academy of Sciences, atf they also found that a million times stronger a new element radium radioactive than uranium. This is Pierre Curie and his wife Marie 斯克罗多夫斯 card marriage three years the great love of the crystal. The discovery of the theory was embraced throughout the centuries turned upside down in the field of physics. Some scientists have expressed doubts about the conservative "Ra Where? Means for us to see that we can believe that!" atf Pierre and Marie determination of the facts to answer all doubt. However, to extract the pure radium, there must be a lot of minerals and larger laboratories. Uraninite is an expensive mineral, they can not afford, and later with the help of a professor of Austria under which they spent all of the deposits, sold all the valuable things before they buy a dozen sacks pitchblende slag. For laboratories, the Curies negotiate with the University of Paris, the answer is something they merciless ridicule. Finally, the school agreed to supply their physicochemical a long-unused woodshed. Woodshed floor is paved with asphalt, glass roof Debu old storm shelter. Only two shabby room table, a stove and a Pierre used to calculate the small blackboard. Curies in this broken house began the great scientific experiments.
Curies as if in a dream in general, forget the time, regardless of winter atf or summer, regardless of the night and day, nervous all day to work with. Because of too little sleep, too much physical exertion, their health is compromised. atf Pierre body aches, atf Mary obviously thinner, but they persisted, atf it took 45 months of work, after tens of thousands of times refined, and finally succeeded in obtaining 10 g of pure radium. Discovered radium, and soon discovered radium therapeutic efficacy of cancer, radium price soaring. Some friends advised Curies patented, With this patent, the Curies world will become an instant riches. However, Pierre said: "No, we should not make money from a new discovery of radium atf atoms Saving the world is both a matter of mercy, this thing should be part of the world!.." Misty Pine flying crane's blog
Pierre atf Curie on May 15, 1859 was born in Paris, France. His father atf was a doctor. Pierre atf and his brother's elementary education was at home, and their parents atf to take a more liberal approach to education, in addition to arrangements provide learning programs, but also to encourage them to read more reading materials, and more contact with nature, in outing develop their ability to observe things. Pierre, 16 years old Bachelor of Arts and Science College of the University of Paris, 18-year-old master's degree in physics and stayed in any laboratory assistant. 1883 Pierre Paris City physicochemical any school physics laboratory director.
Marie Curie was French Poles, she at November 7, 1867 was born in a family of intellectuals in Warsaw, Poland. Marie Curie original 名玛丽 斯克罗多夫斯 card, her father is a graduate of St. Petersburg University, and later taught at a secondary school in Warsaw, mathematics and physics. Mary said goodbye to his family in 1891 was admitted to the University of Paris Faculty of Science, began a study. She graduated from the University of Paris in 1893, Department of Physics, ranked first class score of Marie Curie received a master's degree in physics. In the second year, she graduated from the Department of Mathematics, ranked second class master's degree in mathematics. Graduation Hou Mali wanted to return to Poland to work, because she had met a young French physicist Pierre Curie, married after a stay in France. Since 1903, Pierre and Marie Curie discovered the radioactive elements and won the Nobel Prize in Physics.
Radioactive elements are part of nature's balance system. Is part of the natural radioactive elements constituting the earth and nature. In all kinds of rocks, soils, rivers, lakes, atf the atmosphere, has a different number of radioactive elements present. Which account for uranium, "Clarke value" thousandth of the average content atf in the Earth's crust. Radioactive increasingly widespread use in many ways; such as nuclear power plants, space technology, medical technology, isotope technology for human services. Nature atf of low concentrations of naturally occurring radioactive radiation is generally not harmful to human health, and has been an integral part of the natural balance of the system, humans and other life in the evolutionary atf process, atf has adapted to the background radiation environment the balance of the system.
After the birth of modern chemistry for a long period atf of time, radioactivity is not known to the people, the discovery of radioactive elements actually preceded the discovery of radioactivity. 1789 German chemist Klaproth discovered uranium. 1828 Swedish atf chemist atf Berzelius discovered thorium. But at the time, uranium and thorium only be seen as a general heavy metal elements. Until 1895 the German physicist Roentgen discovered X-rays later, many scientists are enthusiastically to this new study, the radiation phenomena with great penetrating ability was discovered radioactivity. 1896 French physicist Becquerel discovered the radioactivity atf of uranium. 1898 Marie Curie discovered polonium and radium from pitchblende samples after people realized this is a class of radioactive elements and other radioactive elements have been discovered. 1899 French scientists isolated the radioactive element in the Derby El actinides from uranium slag. In 1900 German physicist Donne noted that happen when radium decays to produce a gaseous element. Radioactive gas at the time of a fresh thing, later named radon, and was listed as number eighty-sixth element; Finally, in 1917, two research groups: Germany Hahn and Metternich group, the UK cable Di and Cranston team - and from pitchblende ore No. 9l isolated elements protactinium. 1937 Italian physicist 佩里埃 and Segre deuteron atf bombardment of molybdenum with cyclotron to find the element technetium No. 43. It was the first artificially prepared radioactive elements.
Radioactive element is the ability to spontaneously emit particles or rays (such as α particles, β-rays, γ-rays, etc.) from the unstable nuclei inside, while the release of energy, and ultimately the formation of a stable nuclide atf earth elements, a process called radioactive decay . Usually more than 84 atomic number elements are radioactive, atomic number 83 or less in some elements such as technetium (Tc), promethium (Pm), also radioactive. Radioactive elements are divided into two types of natural radioactive elements and artificial radioactive elements. Including natural radioactive elements polonium (Po), radon (Rn), francium (Fr), radium (Ra), actinium (Ac), thorium atf (Th), protactinium (Pa) and uranium (U), etc.; synthetic radioactive element as actinides elements after plutonium. There are three main natural decay of nature, namely, uranium series, actinides and thorium series, "ancestor" atf of these three series nuclides were 238U, 235U and 232Th. As the "ancestor" of life and the earth nuclides similar age, so these nuclides decay has not completely lost. Lines are each radionuclide decay of radionuclides from the previous generation by α or β, finally terminating atf in a stable nuclide 206Pb, 207Pb and 208Pb.
Radioactive (or rather should radionuclide) is the oldest areas of application in medicine and watch industry. Radium radiation has a strong penetrating power, and soon found the time to become an important tool for the treatment of malignant tumors; radium salt in the dark light, luminous dial for the coating system. Now, the application of radioactive elements has penetrated into every field of human material life, such as radiolabeled compounds fuel, industrial, agricultural and medical use of nuclear power plants and nuclear vessels used in industrial atf inspection, logging (petroleum), food processing and tumors radioactive sources used in such treatment.
Marie Curie November 7, 1867 Born in Warsaw, Poland, atf an honest, patriotic family of teachers. She was brought studious, graduated from high school at age 16 to the gold medal. Because the woman was not allowed to Warsaw under the rule of the Russian Tsar into the university, plus family economic atf difficulties, Mary had come alone to do the rural northwest of Warsaw tutor. In 1889 she returned to Warsaw to do tutor. Once a friend of hers brought her to Industrial and Agricultural Museum's laboratory, where she discovered a new world, the laboratory that she was hooked. As long as there is time later, she came to the laboratory, indulge in a variety of physical and chemical experiments. atf 1892 with the help of her father and sister to Paris to study under the desire to achieve it. College of the University of Paris came a day one hour carriage ride she came early to the classroom, choose a seat away from the podium atf recently, in order to clearly hear all the knowledge professors taught. To save time and focus, and to save the cost of carriage ride, admission four months later, she moved from her sister's home, the school moved to the top of a nearby pavilion housing. This attic is no fire, no light, atf no water, only a small opening on the roof skylight, rely on it, the house only a little brighter. She is only 40 rubles a month, the living conditions of this already very satisfied. She wholeheartedly in learning, although the poor hard life weakening her body, but a wealth of knowledge makes her soul increasingly atf enriched. In 1893, she finally graduated from the Physics Department of the first results. In the second year Youyi second atf laude graduate school of the Department of Mathematics, University of Paris and received a bachelor's degree in mathematics and physics.
In 1896, the French physicist Henri Becquerel Republic published a report on the work, he described in detail by many experiments discovered uranium, uranium and its compounds have a special skill, it can automatically and continuously release of a human invisible rays. This type of light rays and ships, to the photographic photosensitive film through the black paper with Roentgen discovered roentgen it is different, in the absence of a high vacuum and applying atf a high voltage gas discharge conditions from uranium and able salt happen automatically. Uranium and its compounds continue to emit rays radiate atf energy. This makes a great deal of interest in Marie Curie happened. These energies come from somewhere? What is this distinctive nature of rays is? Marie Curie determined to uncover its secrets. 1897 Marie Curie selected own research studies of radioactive atf substances. This research project, put her into a new world of science and the world. Her hard to reclaim a piece of virgin land, finally completed one of the most important discoveries in the history of modern science: the discovery of radioactive elements radium, and laid the foundation of modern radiochemical for mankind made a great contribution.
In experimental studies, Marie Curie designed a measuring instrument can measure not only the existence of a substance-rays, and can measure the intensity of radiation. She was found after repeated: uranium-ray intensity and the amount atf of material containing uranium into a certain proportion, regardless of the existence of the state of the uranium and external conditions. Marie Curie for all known chemical elements and compounds conducted a comprehensive inspection, access to the important discovery: the element called thorium can also automatically send out invisible rays, indicating that the element can emit radiation phenomena decisions atf not just the characteristics of uranium, but some elements of common characteristics. She called this radioactive element of this nature to have called radioactive elements. They emit radiation called "radiation." She also expected that the experimental results: the mineral containing uranium and thorium certain radioactive; contain uranium and thorium minerals are not necessarily not radioactive. Fully validated instrument to check her predictions. In the experiment, atf a radioactivity she found pitchblende strength greater than expected, indicating atf that the experimental minerals containing radioactive elements a new unknown people, atf and a small content of such elements, as this Many chemists minerals have long been accurately analyzed before. She decisively announced his discovery in the lab report, atf and try to prove it experimentally. atf At this critical moment, her husband Pierre Curie also aware of the importance of the discovery of his wife, stopped his studies on the crystals, and to work together with her to study this new element. After months of effort, they are separated from the ore out of a substance mixed with bismuth together, it's far more than the radioactivity of uranium, which is later to be listed in the first 84 of the periodic table of elements polonium. A few months later, they found another new element and named it radium. By the end of 1902, Marie Curie extracted a tenth of a gram of pure radium chloride electrode and accurate determination of its atomic weight. Since radium presence atf has been confirmed. Radium is a naturally occurring radioactive material is extremely difficult to get, it's body is shiny, like fine salt as white crystals, radium has bluish fluorescence, which is this beautiful pale blue fluorescence, into a beautiful woman's life and unyielding faith. Laser line for a variety of cells and tissues, the role of different, those cells multiply quickly, once radium irradiation soon have been destroyed. The discovery of radium become a powerful tool for the treatment of cancer. Cancer is exceptionally rapid reproduction of cells, damaging effects of laser lines to its surrounding atf healthy tissue damage than a large number. This new treatment method developed in the world soon. In the French Republic, radium therapy technique is called

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