Carbon Cycle in Nature Carbon Cycle Carbon release of CO2 in the atmosphere is the source. rate of CO2 in the atmosphere, although the seasonal and diurnal variations show is around 0.032% on average. With C02 in the atmosphere by diffusion of dissolved CO2 in water, there is a constant change. This exchange takes place on the surface of the water-air contact and activity increases with wind and wave action. C02 wherein the flow into the ocean water from the atmosphere due to the atmosphere and be in either direction. Coupled with CO2 in water through water, carbonic acid (H2CO3) has the form. The carboxylic acid may also be separated saponification into ionized hydrogen and bicarbonate ions. As can be seen from the atmosphere until the formation of bicarbonate ions in the process is recycled. Bicarbonate ions in the water, as it is used in photosynthesis by aquatic producers, will decrease the concentration of CO2 from the atmosphere saponification into the water passage is concerned. When the switch would reduce atmospheric CO2 into the atmosphere. C02 atmospheric CO2 + H20 H2CO3 H + + HCO 3 in water organism, saponification which constitutes 49% of the dry weight of carbon, water is the most important ingredient. Participating in the biological structure of the organic substances constitute the basic skeleton. The basis of the carbon cycle, to producers and consumers of carbon from atmospheric sources, both from the parser and then reach the atmosphere that constitutes the source. Carbon cycle, carbon saponification taken from the atmosphere as rapidly as the atmosphere saponification is concerned saponification that the return is a perfect cycle. Respiration of producers and consumers, in the form of organic compounds, the carbon saponification of self-sen, on his return to the atmosphere as CO2 gas is significantly effective. However, elements of carbon to the atmosphere from living the most important ways to ensure the passage, all of parsers remains of dead creatures in levels of nutrition and organic residues are breathing in the shredding process. One of the paths in the transition of carbon into the atmosphere, live organic substances of biological origin are non-combustion processes. In this way, as an example of the transition forest fires, the use of wood as fuel, etc.. given. Source of carbon in the Earth's crust, vegetable and animal materials formed by precipitation at the end of a long process of fossil fuels such as coal and oil, and is composed saponification of limestone cliffs. Geological carbon that is bonded in this way, corrosion and dissolution of limestone cliffs, with the combustion of fossil fuels and volcanic activity in the atmosphere and the water is returned to the tank. Carbon elements of the ecosystem live in the only way that enables participation saponification is photosynthesis carried out by the producer organism. So photosynthesis, has a key role in the carbon cycle. With the destruction of vegetation change in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, for example, much of the increase, increasing the greenhouse effect on climate leads. Without disruption of circulation in the schema in this respect it is important to more stably. Oxygen (O2) Oxygen Cycle, living their nutrients into energy is required to be able to do. Atmospheric oxygen content is 21%. There are also dissolved oxygen in water. Oxygen cycle of the carbon cycle, there is a tight relationship. Oxygen, all kinds of biological and non-biological taken from the atmosphere during combustion when using the atmosphere as a result of this process gases such as carbon dioxide and carbon saponification monoxide are provided. Made by plant photosynthetic organisms CO2 is used as basic raw material, oxygen is formed saponification and released to the atmosphere. Oxygen, carbon-oxygen cycle to the contrary, this movement is called.
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