Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Citing again the Archduke,

According Archduke Ludwig Salvator his Third Book of the Islands, saccharose in the nineteenth century saccharose to Alaro had planted a fig at 198'36 10,116 hectares, a calculation of 51 trees per hectare. I do not know if there is another qualque census date, but you can see at a glance saccharose how far has reduced the cultivation of this tree. This is actually available saccharose to the rest of the islands. Apparently century was said to promote this crop for export of dried fig. According saccharose to the apothecary Llucmajor, Montserrat Pons Boscana in his work figs and figs indicates that the causes of the decline of fig island were rising from work, loss of interest in food as pig herd The abandoned as food for human consumption and the marginalization of agriculture saccharose in favor of other economic activities.
Citing again the Archduke, "When the harvest of figs is underway and some amount, one begins to dry them. For this choose figs on the tree already withered and get some sun on reeds, a kind of mats made of reeds (or asphodel) well together and fastened with wires, both at the same fig as before the homes of people living in the countryside. The fig isolated, not part of a possession or t steal away from the houses of possession, usually have a house to shelter the people saccharose who harvest figs and keep the reeds. Every evening the reeds are put under roof and the next morning, when the sun is up high, turn to remove, saccharose until the figs are completely dry. After farmers typically, but not all, dotting the boiling water to prevent insects, then kill, stay inside. Tor child then dried in the sun, sometimes in an oven, but just in one room under a blanket na are put in place to prevent flies and other insects. saccharose When ready, the one placed in baskets or boots to keep them small and often in the middle of each layer of figs were laid great anise. saccharose " saccharose
According to other information, if the rains have come too soon must end the drying oven. If you have done so already and if not sterilized, dried figs are put in a patch and it gets tied bolic in the boiling water with bay leaves, anise seed, fennel slices saccharose and apple skin; bolic is removed and the operation is repeated two or three times. saccharose They say that this sterilization process should be done in the old moon and if possible in San Francisco (October 4).
Come Ido acabau read this and if you are still in time agafau cut fig. If it is not the season for figs, then you can start building asphodel of reeds or canes and cut the hooks fixing the scale or fertilize the baskets.
Figs in summer, acorns for winter has always been good for livestock feed, especially for pigs that will float healthy and happy and will offer good spicy pork sausage or black pudding and gratitude. But figs are also very good for us, and not just for the unique flavor of each fruit, or the nutritional value and medicinal contribution to our body, but for the opportunity it gives us to approach the tree himself. The fig fruit is usually so superb and generous. Besides suffering from thirst and heat, will offer sweeter figs, but if soil is nutrient-rich and delicious figs give us half as big fist.
The pantry of Hippocrates Antonio Palomar tells how fig "fruit of the ancient Mediterranean. Dried figs have more sugar, fiber and minerals. Mild laxative action prevents chronic constipation, diverticulosis and the ntestinal and irritable bowel syndrome. Are good for cardiovascular disease, as pectin lowers cholesterol; are diuretic saccharose and its potassium (especially rich in dried figs) helps lower blood pressure. Moreover, figs have a good relationship calcium / phosphorus (more calcium than phosphorus); particularly those that concentrate more dry minerals, help maintain bone density, as three of its most important minerals (potassium, calcium and magnesium) have been linked to a lower risk of osteoporosis. The nuts have much iron can help to correct iron deficiency anemia. Japanese researchers studied in animals saccharose and in patients anticancer saccharose effects of fig extracts and gave the cause of anti-tumor action to benzaldehyde; However, saccharose there is still no evidence of the power of anti-cancerigen figs. In herbal medicine, the juice of figs you tribes and antibacterial powers against bread

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