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Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein cytosol announced that he supports cytosol the registration of the Jewish National Fund Public Benefit Society "- (Museums) and therefore it will be committed to transparency and exposed to criticism.
Read more Calcalist: Ministerial Committee dropped the bill apply transparency JNF State Comptroller Netanyahu: "Support cytosol the application review JNF" meeting held at Weinstein on Thursday he announced the opinion of the economic sub - its fiscal Avi Licht, accepted it all tastes count of opinion. Licht wrote the opinion in March last, after you have registered Endowments JNF asked to register as a public benefit, which stated he states that the JNF meets all the legal tests that define her Museums.
Weinstein states that under the existing provisions of law JNF is a public benefit: "This determination is based on the basis of the language of the Companies Act and on the basis of purposive interpretation. Beyond the fact that the JNF has the objective tests set out in the Companies Law as to being a public benefit - a company operating for public purposes and does not distribute profits - there is also a public interest in such registration ... This public interest is due, among other things, the fact that the budget of the JNF Based on public funds , need to realize public goals using these funds ... ".
In light of this resistance and the fact that it would be the JNF prepare accordingly, Weinstein announced that he was holding at 60 days of its registration in the Register of Companies of JNF public benefit - This period also allows representatives of the JNF to the regulation of secondary cytosol legislation to include adjustments unique activity JNF.
JNF becoming a public benefit company records imposes a sense, even more closely monitored than that proposed by Justice Minister Tzipi Livni yesterday - when she tried to pass the Ministerial Committee for Legislation bill apply the control of the State Comptroller also JNF.
However, because the state comptroller checks when he chooses the body he visits, while a public benefit company committed to the control and supervision of filing annual financial reports to the Registrar of Trusts, reports being exposed to the public, and the Registrar of Trusts have the authority to appoint an investigator when thinking cytosol JNF does not work the instructions or laws that apply to it, in addition to the JNF will be under control regarding approval of transactions with interested parties, and other obligations imposed on it from the new status is recognized.
Members voted in favor of the law has a future: Yair Lapid, Yael German, Jacob Perry and their own. Against the law voted Likud MK Gideon Sa'ar, Uri Orbach, Uri Ariel Jewish house, and Isaac Aharonovitz cytosol Sofa Landver and Yair Shamir of Likud - Israel Beiteinu. Shamir attended the conference last February luxurious JNF held in Paris.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cytosol announced that he established a team will examine the issue, headed by Cabinet Secretary Avichai Mandelblitt alongside the legal advisor of the Prime Minister and CEO of JNF himself - have already announced that he opposes apply the State Comptroller control the organization he heads.
Livni said yesterday in response: "Those who do not want the State Comptroller will review the JNF as a public benefit," Livni announced that managed to stem the criticism only temporarily, and that the DOJ intends to exercise his authority through the Deputy Attorney General Avi Licht, and the Registrar of Companies and make the JNF public benefit company and thus apply a public reporting obligations and transparency.
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