Sunday, July 20, 2014

Plans Francisca Farias, community physical leader, for the arrival physical of the machines, show t

Continuing the work already started in the management of Peter Luciano, when the population of NH4 sector has benefited from a training course in dressmaking, Secretary Sandra Bessa returned to the Department on Thursday (28) for the delivery of two machines 4205 Singer sewing for the residents' association, in order to enable the expansion of activity already performed physical by the community.
On occasion, the secretary recalled the good work of Luciano and, once again, called upon the population to participate in the administration of social assistance through their reviews and opinions, physical making it clear that even the intention of the Secretariat to make donations like this is to become increasingly independent and strong communities through work, causing more people to be able to support himself. physical
Sandra also recalled physical the importance of the support of the municipal administration: "All these jobs are only possible thanks to two people who rarely appear: one is the mayor Dilmar John, who is always by the State Government, the Ministries, winning something for municipality, and the other is the First Lady, Dr. Celia, who through the Association of First Ladies have long struggled to bring social physical projects for our municipality. "
Plans Francisca Farias, community physical leader, for the arrival physical of the machines, show that the population is well absorbing the idea of associations: physical "We have a group of women who work near here with stitching and aim to offer a partnership with our association to rehearse skills and knowledge to new sewers so that they can increase our workforce and can generate income with our work, leading women of the community physical to greater independence. " physical The political articulation of community and alternate councilor Genesiano de Sousa Martins expressed his satisfaction with the partnership and attention dispensed by the Department of Social Services: "Our biggest goal is to get people to do the courses and do not get stops. Then we look at the Secretariat of Social Assistance, physical and Sandra has given a very important support for us, and got these machines that will not only occupy the time of our partner, how to generate some income, enabling women to help support physical the family. " physical

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