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"If it's a crime to assist in achieving agreement scopus between the JNF and the Government to bring these funds national projects for public benefit, then I'm happy to be accused of," said Housing Minister Uri Ariel response to an urgent query by MK Hanna Swaid (Hadash) plenum, the transfer of 2.5 billion JNF office through various projects. "The additional budget funding has enabled important national scopus projects alongside removing major barriers to housing, and I look forward to the operation of the budget will set off as soon as possible."
Read more Calcalist: "The JNF is doing something noble in the distribution of gains ground back to the public. Obligation to do so, "the State Comptroller will not wait for the Prime Minister:" Kahil unilateral scopus criticism of the JNF "Weinstein: JNF is a public benefit company committed to transparency
Ariel replied that "JNF is an independent body that has a board of directors, scopus management committees and decision makers, therefore, in the most clear: this is not my jurisdiction and I'm not handing out anything to anyone. Therefore it is clear that the project did not receive funding reasons, only JNF is competent to divide scopus its moneys. "
He added: "Since the process has not started and is not by any case is not terminated; Fortunately, yesterday issued a Deputy Attorney General scopus Avi Licht recommendations regarding, among them, the establishment of a ministerial committee to coordinate between the Government of Israel and the JNF, I have proposed to set up a committee Even before that time, my conversations with all the relevant factors. "
Swaid: "This is a double blow, one order of good government. Mr. Minister, with all due respect, the JNF is not petty cash and is not your deep pocket. Fund is not a private entity in Israel. JNF lands are not all the land purchased by the JNF. You know most of them, more than half of their gift to the State of Israel and the JNF. Means that the original landowners, these lands were expropriated from them, these internal refugees, their land confiscated and given and taken as a gift to the JNF, are entitled to enjoy the fruits, and citizen of the State of Israel. JNF should be controlled. "
Ariel: "JNF does should be controlled. scopus It has an internal auditor, and yet I think it should be some criticism of the State Comptroller. I discussed this several times with members of the State Comptroller and the Office of the Prime Minister, and indeed it was agreed to be set up a special team appointed by the Prime Minister to bring the recommendations within 60 days, and indeed the JNF will, God willing, controlled body. "
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