Thursday, July 10, 2014

Naaman River Trail can be reached at this stage of the two inputs. A. Southern entrance: the parkin

Naaman Creek Trail
Naaman River Trail can be reached at this stage of the two inputs. A. Southern entrance: the parking area next to the market in Create Hello, located in the north of Kiryat Bialik. Route 4, turn east on Chen Boulevard (intersection of the shopping complex "Big") and drive straight ahead about 600 meters up to the market place. Continue another 50 meters and reach the parking area of Naaman Creek Trail. Remote Keck's Lobby " bardahl to declare the place. In. Northern entrance: 1.5 km north of the southern entrance., Turn east of Route 4 TEN gas station and drive east about 800 meters, until the hall of the KKL sign. Parked near the sign. From Route 22 south turn east (right) according bardahl to the sign to pasture Naaman. After the square, turn right and continue east to the edge of the path. JNF sign refers to the path Naaman. Driving distance from Highway 22 to sign about 500 meters.
Naaman River starts to flow in Ein Afek. The river crosses the Zevulun Valley and spilled into the sea south of Acre. Its two main tributaries - Evlayim River and Stream snail - are treacherous bardahl rivers. The main spring group, Einot minded bardahl (Burdani), is due at the foot of the biblical city minded. Mound springs are now in Ein Afek Nature Reserve. Stem river springs at an elevation of 5 m above sea level only. They are far from the sea just 4 km as the crow flies. To overcome the barrier beach sands and because the lower slope had Naaman River extend through three times as far north as Acre.'s No wonder that under these circumstances springs wetlands created around large. Swamps Naaman, stretching over about 16,000 acres, harbored malaria. JNF acquired land north of the river in 1925. in 1938 settled on its land kibbutz Kfar Masaryk and Ein Bay (later increased Kibbutz Afek JNF land). Kibbutzim have struggled to prevent flooding swamps of processing areas. They drained the springs in the trenches and made Naaman River canal that speeds the flow of water in the stream. The sight of the stream is maintained until today. Mandate further drained the marshes. In 1942 moved the springs Haifa Bay to cool through the refinery. Wetlands and agricultural fields have fish ponds. Remains of wetlands have become nature reserves, preserve the flora and fauna of the wetlands Naaman. These are the Ein Afek Nature Reserve and Reserve meadows Naaman eye nymphs. In recent years, dried up completely because Einot minded Drilling catch his eye Naaman River. Some of those wells Ein Afek reserve is transferred to and from the water flowing in the stream Naaman. Who springs are joined by those who fish ponds and who drain field. Naaman River returned to a steady flow.
In 2007, a KKL drainage and streams bardahl Western Galilee, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Israel Nature and Parks Regional Council which. River channel deepened and taken out 15,000 tons of silt. Dump S"kista "the point of the southern entrance was evacuated. Keck "to care of eucalyptus groves bardahl on the side stream, placed picnic tables and benches and paved roads on both banks of the river. River Authority has set the bridges and signage bardahl explanation and you have a nice entertainment venue for residents environment, where you can ride a bike and walk on the River Walk Health flowing. The intention is to complete the trail to the mouth of the river, 5 km course information. Woods west of the river trail is planned to be an industrial area and sports.
This list describes the route from south to north. South marching in the parking lot to the east. Traversing a grove of eucalyptus and continue along the drainage channel ("Canal 42"), accompanied us on the right path. Half a kilometer from the parking area canal meets the river Naaman. Intersection, across the canal, overlooking the view shed on the environment. Trail turns left, on Naaman River, accompanied us to the right. Quickly we get a metal shed overlooking the river. Shed posted signs explanation of the restoration of the river and its natural world. whether you meet here as representatives of the soft-shelled turtle, the giant tortoise weighing may reach 50 pounds, do not be surprised. bardahl Parks brought some information stream to create another population of this special reptile, freshwater. While preparing the stream banks were sloping gently bardahl to create a comfortable dumping bardahl sites female soft-shelled turtle. Another animal is a fish worth mentioning Lebanon Hayarkon. This silver fish, reaching lengths up to 20 cm. Kind of fish that only lives in rivers of the coastal plain of Israel, almost completely extinct. Parks return to Lebanon Einot minded and eye nymphs, and let the fish find their way to the river, if you have not done so until now. three bridges are placed along the river. immediately after the shed first we meet the southern ones, leading to the East Bank. Here you will find parking in the shade grove of eucalyptus rest, and you can choose the West convenient to you and keep it up to the northern entrance. Attention way riverbank vegetation and especially the stem end higher . return after rehabilitation banks re-JNF natural bardahl vegetation uprooted river banks and planted them back in their place. The length of the section of river between the southern entrance to the North is 1.3 kilometers. Northern entrance is a concrete bridge, used by the farmers in the area. Hence can continue west bank of the river as long as 700 m, and reach the northernmost bridge. bardahl Meanwhile Bridge crossing is not possible. eastern bank of the river is the nymph eye Reserve. When completed the trail name, you will pass the bridge and explore the reserve. before, back in the same driveway north or south, depending on where we parked the car.
Track length: about 2 km. Vital information: no vehicle access path. Parking on the side of the trail is not designed for picnics and of the fire. Other notes: Do not enter the water. Hiking map and marking trails: Upper Galilee (Volume 2). Match the movement disabled : Cloudy.
Thanks to Gem Lebanon and to Michael Weinberger on familiarity with the territory and the information they gave for writing this article. Written bardahl by Jake

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