Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Everything went smoothly until one Gzlniim Hkk

Last week's event - the disappearance case of West Bank yeshiva students - more or less silenced the debate that was groundbreaking passionately if not for what happened: challenge around the cuts in the defense budget. This season, between May and August, brewer Finance budget proposal for next year. Ministry asked to cut the defense budget, as it seeks each year. Daily Operation Return brothers, "the army made a first-rate exercise: reserve mobilization. If to find 3-5 Palestinians suspected of kidnapping recruit reservists, round up clear front H"aiomim existential "No mention at all about cuts. Now they only talk about extras. And many extras.
At the same time learned about the plan to the Ministry of Finance of the Jewish National Fund (JNF) to contribute to the housing office several billion solving the housing crisis. "Treasury officials rushed to the Attorney General arguing, right in itself, that this is an illegal and meanwhile the matter was put on hold. Interestingly, the Ministry Finance is not outraged at all when the tycoon is contributing to the government hospital. then, it is completely normal., but if you cant complain about the government, and successfully, what would they support round up themselves journalists?
In response to the coalition between the JNF Minister of Housing and settlement of treasury conceived a brilliant round up idea: instead of every year the state will pay the money to the JNF, JNF will pay money to the state every year. Interest payment to the state even more essential that the Minister of Finance eliminates tax stupidity on the flats. And really built much dwellings - for courtesy of the Bank of Israel and Finance Ministry have a huge demand for housing round up as an investment - Treasury loses billions. Perhaps they wondered treasury we will reduce the damage with the help of money to pay the JNF?
JNF central role in the policy round up of the Jewish race. According to the regulations is not recognized round up or lease land to non-Jews. Government of Israel and the Knesset peace with this overt racism. Task to encourage the state and the JNF gives tax exemption on profits. Because the JNF is Israel's largest Hndl"nisstit round up - easy to understand the scope of the money flow.
How JNF became the country's largest Hndl"nisstit? By 1948 it had owned several hundred thousand acres acquired Palestinian land owners round up which seats kibbutzim were established in the pre-state. Today has owned several million acres. How these came to her?
Reminder of history: After the 1948 war the government prohibited the refugees who fled / were deported during the war to return. So far it's just nastiness. Some years later the Absentee Property Law was enacted. This law stated that anyone who owns land within the state, and absent on the effective date - the land goes to the state, without compensation. Because the refugees round up did not give to go back, they were absent that day determines how the government has made to their land - millions round up of acres.
This transaction, later claimed brave Knesset member, was a lie. John Bader was chief economic spokesman of the opposition led by Menachem Begin, the Likud it. Bader revealed the fact that it was ridiculous and that, JNF is not paid in full. Accordingly's Likud voted against the Israel Lands Act - that governs the JNF's involvement in the management of state lands.
Everything went smoothly until one Gzlniim Hkk"liim asked Arab towns to buy a house. JNF Arab objected and appealed to the High Court. Were those who feared the High Court will rule against the JNF and therefore, initiated by the Attorney General, was set in order. JNF " to transfer the land on which the apartment is that Arabs want to buy into the state. State will return round up for JNF alternative land or money. round up These transactions, it turned out later, were not the original price paid to the state for JNF land stolen property. The prices were much higher. That a "democratic" has built and is building the Jewish state.
JNF has been enriched beyond round up recognition. Bought land from the government that were in high demand areas that cost Emir years. To lubricate the JNF office system travel became ministers and Knesset members hedonists who traveled abroad at its expense, provided first class to raise funds for the organization which had already round up been filthy rich. terrific method.
But now are officials of the Finance and want to change the world. One official round up seeks to impose on me JNF God forbid public control. Visits the state will review why, how, when., And another official wants a billion or two every year for the public. Maybe some official will even offer to cancel the tax exemption JNF enjoys.
Here's an entertaining aspect of that exemption. Ministry of Finance publishes each year, B"aikri budget, "the economic cost of the tax benefits. round up As usual there is a huge rush for training funds - the savings round up tax exemption enjoyed by salaried employees and self-employed. round up Anyone reading this chapter in the budget will reveal that there is no tax exemption JNF. If no exemption (at least there is none in the budget) probably has no cost.
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