Well, my pc goes wack! I think it's a miracle to be here to write * There's so much happening, it is difficult to face! Chatiei me with Marina ketone because they had told me that she had tanned with doi dudes on the same day ... and left me .... I called ketone him handle! The girl Ana Rita and Miriam, heard and told him! That is the least, but only talked about me and Monica, while I was Monica Dani and Marli ... all call and say she was all us disappoint! In the second and got the Leonardo et confronted me and said u assumed it had said! I'm not one to lie and say what I say behind the front, but then I learned it was a lie ..... she likes not with anyone! How dislike understood evils I went to her and asked her excuse! It's okay, but do not know if I can say this! This all reasonable, we speak .... but the confidence that comes very slowly! This began the study visit to Lisbon, but was not the only thing began. My desire to follow my dream becomes increasingly difficult to endure! It seems impossible to achieve in Saint John there is nothing, and hope ... this is about to die! I want to be an actress, not to be famous but because I like to represent, because I like to give pleasure to others ....... but fate has helped me! I see Tell me about a soap opera Love of TVI, and "embodied" I do ..... Daisy character in the episodes I've seen .... it's a kind of workout! But you know, despite the certainty ketone that this is what I want to do with my life, I'm afraid! I'm afraid of not being good actress, and tell me "You're not good at it, looking for another profession", it was killing me .... and then I'd never fight for anything or dreaming or ambixcionar nothing! But it's a risk I want to take more and vouinvestigar ..... I know some things or even amateur theater courses on everything appears! When I went to Lisbon, just thought of it. That is crazy ..... there would be many more opurtonidades! If my godmother lived there, as did before I asked to move to her house .... and there was going to follow my dream! Making workshops, courses, castings ...... but sure would not feel so far ..... my dream! If there oisa what I want most is to realize my dream! But maybe it is just that ......... A DREAM! *
Previous Posts Á year since I've been here! I'm on vacation, and has been ... Today was a Geography test! I'm with Monica (... Today was an amazing day! Fabio was the Univa (Uni. Ready .. I fooled myself thought this was my f ... Ready in the picture, ketone and I'm Fabio! I only ask you co ... Fabio and I walked not talking, or he better not ... My other blog expired, or rather do not remember ...
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