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Hello! As you can see by the title of the topic I have a doubt "torch" with respect to NH 4 / NH 3 vs. NH 4 tests. I wonder if these two tests measure exactly the same and only difference between an NH 4 / NH 3 test and a test for NH 4 focuses on the fact that the test for NH 4 / NH 3 are accompanied by a table that allows determining levels of un-ionized glycerin ammonia (NH 3)? This doubt began when I decided to cycle my new aquarium using the method of cycling without fish "fishless cycle". Instead of applying the procedure to add flaked fish food, I opted for a more scientific and accurate way, ie, apply a solution of ammonia (NH 3) directly. Bought pure ammonia solution (ammonia) and test (NH 4) for determining how many drops of ammonia should glycerin be added to the aquarium water so as to obtain a maximum concentration of 5 mg / l of ammonia (as mandated by the "recipe") I bought ... the test for NH 4 because confuse ammonium (NH 4) with ammonia (NH 3). Started adding ammonia (dropwise) to the water and take the test in order to achieve the desired concentration. But as always that added ammonia obtia a score of <0,05 mg / l. After overtaking (much) the expected dosage that I began to suspect that something was wrong and only then realized that I had changed the word ammonia by ammonium. I then went to buy another test, this time a test of NH 4 / NH 3, and there tested my water and obtained, if not surpassed the scale of the test, a concentration of 10 mg / l (well above the target). By reading the instructions of the NH 4 / NH 3 test he seemed to me to be identical to that of NH 4 test that had already been purchased, except the table that determines the levels of un-ionized glycerin ammonia (NH 3). This led to questions posed at the beginning of the topic. If the tests measure different things all is well, now both measure the same thing and got such disparate glycerin results (yes, repeat all the steps more than once to make sure I was not making blunders). (Expiration date - 8/2015)
(Expiration date - 8/2018) If the test is correct Sera'll have to change all the water ... instead of walking faster glycerin with cycling'll have to start over. Thanks for having the patience to read this long thread, I managed to explain my question well and can shed some light on this confused mind Hugs, Peter C. Note: I must be the one to confuse ammonia (NH 3) with ammonium (NH 4). In all protocols I've read about cycling an aquarium without fish using pure ammonia speak at a concentration of 2 or 5 mg / l of ammonia (NH 3), but the available commercial testing of all the values we only ammonium (NH4 ) are possible to measure this scale of 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5 ... mg / l! Correct if I'm wrong please.
If you would not be waiting for the answers to this question the only thing I can suggest is one TPA doings of 80/90% and buy a bottle glycerin of bacteria to add daily, in less than two weeks have cycled the Aqua
Yeah I have to increase the volume of TPA. I have made a 20% TPA on alternate glycerin days but the values of NH 4 / NH 3 remain at 10 mg / l. Where do the TPA have added Seachem stability but the ammonia concentration should be so high that the poor bacteria can not stand and must die. Then so be it let the TPA 90%!! Thanks for the tip
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