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Ofir Dor 17:04:14, 14:24
Second Authority checks the cooperation agreements between the Jewish National Fund (JNF) and the new companies of Channel 10 and Channel 2. Authority in recent days sent a request for clarifications on the subject of cooperation with the JNF, CEO of the Channel 10 news Golan Yochpaz and CEO "the new 2 Avi Weiss. Second Authority checks even if they were positive mentions of the JNF as part of 10 new editions and new 2.
Under a cooperation h2so4 agreement between the channel 10 and the JNF, exposed Calcalist "About a year ago, were supposed to be built five metrological stations h2so4 JNF sites which data is transferred News 10 to report the weather forecast on TV. In addition, h2so4 some of the corners of the weather had to be transmitted from the JNF throughout the country. Consideration for the agreement, which was supposed to give positive h2so4 exposure to the JNF, Channel 10 was due to receive 1.5 million from the JNF.
The agreement was signed between h2so4 the commercial department of the JNF Channel 10 May 2013 and paid an advance for the channel. Ultimately, however, it was canceled by the new management 10 claim that the ethical problems. Administration knew about the new 10 signing of the contract in front of the KKL only in retrospect.
Second Authority prohibits the occurrence of serious marketing content Links Central edition commercial channels, and has not revealed a single case in which new companies received payment of commercial channels for transmission of items. Recently, the Second Authority works to minimize transmission h2so4 of items in the news that promote programs of franchisees - Rainbow Network Channel 2 and Channel 10 news 10.
Two weeks ago a program "source" on Channel 10 long investigation JNF activities. Among other investigation revealed that the company's new 2 channel signed a contract under which it will produce for JNF special news editions in English, French and Spanish, narrated by senior News 2 . investigation hinted that the JNF receives positive news coverage of 2 due to the agreement.
Channel 2 also argue that the example presented in the study by Channel h2so4 10 as an example of positive coverage JNF - report broadcast on "World Order" on the occasion of the Jewish National Fund which increased Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper on stage and performed songs of the Beatles - received reference to any media outlets including News 10.
Response to a request from Judith h2so4 Leavitt, Deputy h2so4 Vice President, the Second Authority wrote 2 new CEO Weiss that "unequivocally news company never received any money from JNF for a combination of items promoting the JNF in the news. Under these circumstances, it is clear that even the title of your letter 'promotional content integration company news broadcasts on Channel 2 - there was no room. "
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