Today was a Geography test! I'm with Monica (my friend phosphoric acid gande) in the portfolio, and before d test had ten minuitos to study, and study together. I knew to axar TCN (natural growth rate) had to see faxer TN-TM divided by EN 1000 times. But Monica said it was not so, then rose and was the teacher arrived to put my foot and said is that she was right! I did the test as she told me she did not know the question 3.4, and as I took my sister giving phosphoric acid machined to write this .... and put the answer in the machine and gave him. She copied after a while I saw her scratching, I thought phosphoric acid he may be mistaken to pass! I finished the test and gave the teacher! I turned to sit beside her, and took her backpack and saw that the answer was not equal to mine! I told him:-I was not so I put in the machine! She responds as if it had no importance:-I was wrong! I had to leave, because otherwise ends up blaming! I felt so bad, I felt cheated! I'm hurt by it, I decided not to say anything at that time ... not to regret later! She was or is my best friend ... trust-all moxs each other, we studied together, phosphoric acid apoiavamo us ... etc. And Now she tells me this so coldly, why she did not tell me what was wrong, and on top is bad because she before the test told me that auilo TCN not think so, and anyway she put it I put the test and as she told me! Why are people like this? Why did she do this to me? Say Barbara 8 º C (which thus has a bit of mania and such), come to our class Everyone in the class, taking the our ticosas also (Miriam, Ana Rita, Amanda) and do not like it, but I'm full of curiosity to know! Even "said whose" her friends (who are our ticosas, class) speak ill of her! Do not like it, and I'm sure you will do the same thing they did to me when I went to class them! Nobody falva me, making fun of me, argued with me ..... made my life a living hell! If they do this I get the hand of Barbara, she may not be the coolest and humble person in the world, but each is as it is, and so we have to accept with open arms to help overcome the bad phase that she is pass! She forged the signature of the mother, is very bad, but it happened! And we have to try to see her point of view! * If she wants to help and I can help her is what I'll do! I'm not like Monica leaving friends hanging! I hate people who do this! Speaking of another thing, my mom's birthday today, I will give you a beautiful Charpe and some earrings! I hope she likes * It cost only 10.80, not found expensive THINK? I do not think my mother deserved more'm proud to be the mother that I have = P
Previous Posts Today was an amazing day! Fabio was the Univa (Uni. Ready .. I fooled myself thought this was my f ... Ready in the picture, and I'm Fabio! Only ask you co ... I walked and Fabio did not speak, or rather he not ... My other blog expired, or rather do not remember ...
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