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Housing iod Minister concluded with the JNF transfer 2.5 billion in government offices through - for funding national projects of his choice. Treasury claim that Ariel had exceeded his authority and allegedly violated a series of laws. Attorney General ordered the freeze of Understanding
In an unusual step yesterday ordered Deputy Attorney General alleged freeze understandings reached between the Housing Minister Uri Ariel Fund, transfer 2.5 billion from funds JNF government offices. Minister Ariel was to mediate iod between the various ministries and recommend KKL JNF finance projects iod that look to him. According to a document written by the legal adviser of the Ministry of Finance, Ariel has alleged iod a series iod of laws, including the State Property Law Basic Law State Farm, State Comptroller iod Law, and more.'s office Housing Minister argue in response that Ariel succeeded where the Treasury failed .
Instructive story. First, it is a lot of money - 2.5 billion JNF was to inject iod the government offices next four years. iod Secondly, iod we are witnessing a partisan, reckless, by the Minister, the dimensions were not the Israeli government for years. Thirdly, it is the JNF, an institution In recent years accumulated a cash surplus of four - five billion thanks to government land marketing. Justice Minister Tzipi Livni seeks to put the JNF legal framework that would allow the state comptroller's audit on operations. Heads of the JNF struggle against any attempt to nationalization. The struggle is personal and political, and the public money invested long. Struggles JNF funds columns were first published in the weekend supplement of "the finest news."
The budgets of the ministries are affirmed after a long and complex treasury government and the Knesset. iod Minister Ariel claims understanding is achieved with the JNF creates seemingly Treasury details under the influence of the minister, a kind of petty cash in the billions. iod She becomes the minister Ariel, a representative of a small group within a small faction in the government, well-known philanthropist of Ministers. The According to the recommendations could Ministers are facing today - a day with severe budget problems, iod to finance projects that are close to their hearts. they will ask: he will recommend; JNF approve.
If it were billions of private money contributes to a police investigation was opened. Here, unfortunately, it is the money of the citizens of Israel, money, increase the prices. 11 - on May Send Soaking Demsky, Assistant iod Secretary for Housing, a letter to the heads of the departments. Letter is reported that the Ministry of Housing and JNF decided "the common desire to fund national projects iod within the framework of various ministries. Ask to get some fine projects high priority of your office , "he writes. "Please send the name of the project, general iod description, estimated costs and deployment execution. This list is submitted our recommendations to the JNF ."
The letter also includes a schedule. Requests, written, email must be the name of Zipporah Housing iod minister's office within a week. Treasury received the letter in disbelief. In 4 - May wrote Amir Levy, Budget Director to the Minister Ariel, which accused him of exceeding their authority and violating the Budget Foundations Law. "I would like to stop this activity immediately ," he wrote. Ariel ignored.
That same day he wrote the Attorney General's office, attorney Joel Burris, Letter to Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein. He mentioned in his letter series of laws that may have violated the Housing Ministry and demanded urgently to the decision to stop the move. Minister Tzipi Livni joined requirement, and yesterday was hearing. During the hearing claimed Housing Finance Ministry iod officials conducted with the JNF similar negotiations in the past. Deputy Attorney General Avi Licht, did not accept the claims. He accused them B"hthcmot . "
The letter of the Assistant Secretary for Housing sent three days after the two chairmen of Efi Golland (work) and Eli Aflalo (Kadima), Finance Committee passed a resolution confirming the institution iod money transfer. JNF committee was to decide on objectives, "in accord with the worldview of the JNF ." This year should pass 750 million account. JNF's decision does not mention the housing office. Senior JNF has set the night before the Housing Ministry's attempt to get the status of a mediator between the JNF and the Government as an act done without authority and chutzpah. "
In response to the Housing Ministry yesterday said that "Minister Ariel pleased to be a partner in an agreement reached with the JNF ." Presumably after the explosion provision negotiations will be conducted with the JNF organized, and at the end delivered billions in treasury, legal and transparent process., But Finance Not satisfied with that. claims, JNF fills the coffers the money does not belong to her but to the state. State improves the value of land, paves roads, constructing infrastructure, and accepts JNF lands without paying huge sums betterment tax or any other tax. Treasury as Justice Minister demands change the status of the JNF and subordinate it despite the country.
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