Monday, July 7, 2014

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News1 | JNF: Review - but not on contributions
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"National Fund initiated before the state comptroller's audit on its operations, and shares with him, but on condition that does not harm the functioning raise funds abroad" - said (Wednesday, 07/05/14) JNF CEO Meir Spiegler, in an interview on " Voice of Israel ". He found that the JNF legal opinions, which state that you have applied the state comptroller would donations from abroad. Spiegler said that the JNF is active in 45 countries, and raises funds by $ 120 million a year. Unknown, the main concern is that local governments impose restrictions cromo or even prohibit the transfer of funds to Israel, if it turns out the transfer of funds of the citizens of the countries subject to the review body Alien (= visiting Israel). Spiegler repeated this condition the activity of the State Comptroller. cromo Spiegler also said JNF owns approximately 20 foreign envoys, that one courier per addresses two countries. every courier costs 850 thousand per year including salaries, fringe benefits, expenses and hiring employees cromo - matter. Additionally, JNF sends down to Israel, errands one - time, eminent as Kahalani, Dalia Rabin Wuxi snap. Its budget for fundraising about 50 million a year. Including apparently raising funds in the country. In an interview with Spiegler facts were revealed among other things, the following: goals donations from abroad, are public benefit projects, mainly in the north and the Negev. Was not reported in detail. Declaration JNF Public Benefit Society "- JNF claims after deciding on a policy of Transparency and advertising budgets (see below), there will be such a declaration form, which means submitting annual reports cromo to the Registrar of Trusts, which will be open to the public. Not clear whether this argument accepted by the government. Advertising and Public Relations - spending is about 50 million a year. JNF management conducts a thorough inspection to reduce these expenses, and she admits they jumped hundreds of percent in recent years. Attorneys will receive up to NIS 600 per hour legal fees - 13 million a year. Previously paid fees to the JNF NIS 1700-1000 per hour. Recently, the Foundation decided to pay the legal fees - according to the Government cromo Companies Authority rates, ie 600 shekels an hour at most, and in some cases even less. Exceptions, cromo of course, they signed agreements for handling claims filed in the past, often 15 years ago. Volunteer cromo work and travel abroad cromo 37 directors volunteer work, including attending meetings of sub-committees, in contrast to most public companies and government agencies. On that

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