JNF bike trails in Ben Shemen Forest and Forest Information
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Ben Shemen Forest is a lively ride riding centers throughout the week. JNF decided to invest in building a quality regulated pathways especially in the forest, and build three bike trails with a total length of 65 km. The importance of the Ben Shemen Forest and new singles built by JNF forest stems from being "recreational hinterland" of Gush Dan and central cities. Territory of the forest tremendous: over 30,000 oxidation hectares with forest intelligence linked to, and serves a population of about two million oxidation people. Forest year Oil is also relatively easy in terms of height differences where: wanting to ride the Ben Shemen forest are not required climbs Levhari Judah nearby. oxidation proximity and terrain comfortable contributed to the fact that he became a key component, lively ride throughout the week, and weekends especially. means this hair more exposed to other forests are the positive results of the component surface, and its negative effects, such as damage to the forest due to the construction singles piracy (unauthorized and not professional in construction), causing the destruction oxidation of vegetation and soil and damage to animals and interface forest. JNF supports Biking and creates riding trails throughout the country, has decided to invest in building a quality regulated pathways especially in Ben Shemen Forest and operate the diversion of these singles cycling, so that one can restore damaged forest areas. For the design blueprint bicycle paths in Ben Shemen Forest hired architect Otto Friedman, and collaborative planning with all singles surveyed JNF existing forest. They were divided into groups of "positive" - that could be adopted and leave, and "sliliim "- damaging the forest. Forest divided area cells were determined JNF land to interested riders who log JNF land was not want people to come to them. many other aspects are being brought into account in the design keeping contour lines, points of interest and observation bypass protected areas, a response both for beginners and advanced, and integration into the wider system of trails and forest areas. following the design of over a year is set to be built in three Ben Shemen forest trails with a total length of 65 km: short, medium and long. After planning effort began building trails trail builders qualified supervision - Doron brave and architect Otto Friedman. The first part (Single Herzl or common name: KKL 1) built by JNF workers and various volunteer groups, and ended eight months ago. JNF has entered into a higher gear work and great effort finished the trail Berry (common name: JNF 2). The result: one long single length 32 km, allowing even terminated after 8 km. JNF coming year hope to finish the breakthrough of the shortest path in Tel Hadid, length 12 km. Recently, with the completion of the trail, was added a very slight marking continuous cycling oxidation trails. Signage will be completed soon.
To allow different distance riding for beginners and advanced, intelligently route built to allow entry to and exit from the main forest delegates. Holidays oxidation Iblovic, forester Ben Shemen, oxidation says: "During the planning has gone into a lot of thought to build a good path and comfortable blend in well with forest oxidation management and will provide cyclists. JNF invests huge sums in the design and construction of bicycle paths welfare riders." Architect Otto Friedman "Following the upheaval in the JNF, which has the body to adopt the cyclists from system design to Ben Shemen Forest trails. One goal of building the track is to provide a fun place to ride. bit shorter (Single oxidation Herzl) is also easier for beginners, but the bulk a single (Berry) is a little more challenging. "
Highlighted in blue. Single oxidation Herzl also known as a single roti. Roti is a species oxidation of pine JNF planted all over the country. Trail passes near the 11 first details of the oldest of their kind in the country (planted in 1929). This loop about 8 km, which is all not far from the Observatory, and is relatively easy technically suitable for most riders. Start Observatory, and turn west through eucalyptus and pine plots, plot of the gross value at the well established, to the parking lot and Mexico. Exit, turn right onto forest, oxidation and just off junction re-enter the single trend south along the fence. Single turns east and then performs fine serpentine rounds in the woods, until it crosses the main road along the river and Grand Junction. Cross the river over a small dam and old (crescent), then face two options: 1. Return to the Observatory through oxidation the blue trail, turn left and north, or ride on the asphalt oxidation road to Mitzpe Modi'in. Who came long ride can turn right after the dam, to the single longest Berry, marked in red.
Highlighted in red. This new single of the two, and more suitable for advanced riders: There is accumulating a respectable height for the region and technical sections. He turns south through the parking lot and parking Shaki horses and costs Tel Gamzo, where there is a beautiful view, and rest. This section will provide you with the ride Diversity shady woods and would fit very well in cold seasons. Continue to open up the areas of young forest intelligence. Sometimes also pass on dirt. Continue south to the mature forest ruins of Berry. The trail continues north - east and overlooks the River Berry and old lime kilns where. oxidation The trail continues climbing Horbat Regev, one of the highest points in the field. It is recommended to stop and enjoy panoramic views. From there continue oxidation back Lligd Center, which is an entry point and a second exit to the single. The trail continues oxidation climbing Horbat Zachary down to the valley and caves monks monks. Then he turns west along the river Gamzo and back north up to Mitzpe Modi'in, through the Thai Pagoda. An important point: in the ruins of Berry has split marking trails with trail markings black. Riding to the black on a dirt road will lead riders into the city of Modi'in (city park Berry), and from there connect to the urban bike paths
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Ben Shemen Forest is a lively ride riding centers throughout the week. JNF decided to invest in building a quality regulated pathways especially in the forest, and build three bike trails with a total length of 65 km. The importance of the Ben Shemen Forest and new singles built by JNF forest stems from being "recreational hinterland" of Gush Dan and central cities. Territory of the forest tremendous: over 30,000 oxidation hectares with forest intelligence linked to, and serves a population of about two million oxidation people. Forest year Oil is also relatively easy in terms of height differences where: wanting to ride the Ben Shemen forest are not required climbs Levhari Judah nearby. oxidation proximity and terrain comfortable contributed to the fact that he became a key component, lively ride throughout the week, and weekends especially. means this hair more exposed to other forests are the positive results of the component surface, and its negative effects, such as damage to the forest due to the construction singles piracy (unauthorized and not professional in construction), causing the destruction oxidation of vegetation and soil and damage to animals and interface forest. JNF supports Biking and creates riding trails throughout the country, has decided to invest in building a quality regulated pathways especially in Ben Shemen Forest and operate the diversion of these singles cycling, so that one can restore damaged forest areas. For the design blueprint bicycle paths in Ben Shemen Forest hired architect Otto Friedman, and collaborative planning with all singles surveyed JNF existing forest. They were divided into groups of "positive" - that could be adopted and leave, and "sliliim "- damaging the forest. Forest divided area cells were determined JNF land to interested riders who log JNF land was not want people to come to them. many other aspects are being brought into account in the design keeping contour lines, points of interest and observation bypass protected areas, a response both for beginners and advanced, and integration into the wider system of trails and forest areas. following the design of over a year is set to be built in three Ben Shemen forest trails with a total length of 65 km: short, medium and long. After planning effort began building trails trail builders qualified supervision - Doron brave and architect Otto Friedman. The first part (Single Herzl or common name: KKL 1) built by JNF workers and various volunteer groups, and ended eight months ago. JNF has entered into a higher gear work and great effort finished the trail Berry (common name: JNF 2). The result: one long single length 32 km, allowing even terminated after 8 km. JNF coming year hope to finish the breakthrough of the shortest path in Tel Hadid, length 12 km. Recently, with the completion of the trail, was added a very slight marking continuous cycling oxidation trails. Signage will be completed soon.
To allow different distance riding for beginners and advanced, intelligently route built to allow entry to and exit from the main forest delegates. Holidays oxidation Iblovic, forester Ben Shemen, oxidation says: "During the planning has gone into a lot of thought to build a good path and comfortable blend in well with forest oxidation management and will provide cyclists. JNF invests huge sums in the design and construction of bicycle paths welfare riders." Architect Otto Friedman "Following the upheaval in the JNF, which has the body to adopt the cyclists from system design to Ben Shemen Forest trails. One goal of building the track is to provide a fun place to ride. bit shorter (Single oxidation Herzl) is also easier for beginners, but the bulk a single (Berry) is a little more challenging. "
Highlighted in blue. Single oxidation Herzl also known as a single roti. Roti is a species oxidation of pine JNF planted all over the country. Trail passes near the 11 first details of the oldest of their kind in the country (planted in 1929). This loop about 8 km, which is all not far from the Observatory, and is relatively easy technically suitable for most riders. Start Observatory, and turn west through eucalyptus and pine plots, plot of the gross value at the well established, to the parking lot and Mexico. Exit, turn right onto forest, oxidation and just off junction re-enter the single trend south along the fence. Single turns east and then performs fine serpentine rounds in the woods, until it crosses the main road along the river and Grand Junction. Cross the river over a small dam and old (crescent), then face two options: 1. Return to the Observatory through oxidation the blue trail, turn left and north, or ride on the asphalt oxidation road to Mitzpe Modi'in. Who came long ride can turn right after the dam, to the single longest Berry, marked in red.
Highlighted in red. This new single of the two, and more suitable for advanced riders: There is accumulating a respectable height for the region and technical sections. He turns south through the parking lot and parking Shaki horses and costs Tel Gamzo, where there is a beautiful view, and rest. This section will provide you with the ride Diversity shady woods and would fit very well in cold seasons. Continue to open up the areas of young forest intelligence. Sometimes also pass on dirt. Continue south to the mature forest ruins of Berry. The trail continues north - east and overlooks the River Berry and old lime kilns where. oxidation The trail continues climbing Horbat Regev, one of the highest points in the field. It is recommended to stop and enjoy panoramic views. From there continue oxidation back Lligd Center, which is an entry point and a second exit to the single. The trail continues oxidation climbing Horbat Zachary down to the valley and caves monks monks. Then he turns west along the river Gamzo and back north up to Mitzpe Modi'in, through the Thai Pagoda. An important point: in the ruins of Berry has split marking trails with trail markings black. Riding to the black on a dirt road will lead riders into the city of Modi'in (city park Berry), and from there connect to the urban bike paths
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